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Choose your pricing plan
Student Registration
50.40$This is a one-time student registration feeValid for 12 months- Including 5% gst
Ballet Class G1/2
611.25$Access to 1st semester's classes for $580Valid for 3 months- Access to grade 1 & 2's weekly ballet classes
- This includes a annual WMA student registration fee of $48
- Including 5% gst
Hip Hop Classes
285.90$1st semester for $270 + one time registration fee of $48Valid for 3 months- This includes a annual WMA student registration fee of $48
- Access to your registered weekly classes for 12 weeks
- Including 5% gst
Jazz/Modern Dance
285.90$1st semester for $270 + one time registration fee of $48Valid for 3 months- Access to weekly dance classes for first three months
- This includes a annual WMA student registration fee of $48
- Including 5% gst
Ballet Class
338.40$Access to 1st semester's classes for $321Valid for 6 months- Access to beginner's weekly ballet classes
- This includes a annual WMA student registration fee of $48
- Including 5% gst
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